2023 AFWC Results

Audio Fiction World Cup – 2023 Press Release

2023 saw the launch of the Audio Fiction World Cup. 10 festivals were part of the inaugural year giving points for acceptances, nominations, and award wins to more than 135 fiction podcast and actual play podcast projects. We had projects from 10 countries represented in the festival circuit this year.

Learn more about the Audio Fiction World Cup here.

Please find below the final Top 30 for the 2023 Audio Fiction World Cup. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to Ned Donovan who runs this initiative. He can be reached at podcasts@newjerseywebfest.com.

If you do not see your show listed but were accepted to an Audio Fiction World Cup festival and would like to know your place on the ranking, email Ned and he’ll tell you!

2023 AFWC Final Top 30 Ranking

1 – Starship Q Star – Australia
2 – The All Night Society – USA
3 – Tobias and Syd – United Kingdom
4 – Dark Dice: The Long Road – Germany
5 – Savage Waking: Obliteration – USA
6 – The Boar Knight – Germany
7 – The Rapscallion Agency – USA
8 – Ain’t Slayed Nobody – USA
9 – We’re Alive: Descendants – USA
10 – Fawx & Stallion – USA
11 – Kill Every Monster – USA
12 – Re:Dracula – USA
13 (tie) – The Dirty Twenty – Australia
13 (tie) – Chaika – Sweden
14 – Party of One – USA
15 – Ore: The Iron Trilogy – USA
16 (tie) – Top of the Round – USA
16 (tie) – The Madness of Chartrulean – USA
16 (tie) – Tales From Three Corners – Australia
17 – Table Read Podcast – USA
18 – Vampire: the Masquerade Port Saga – USA
19 (tie) – Quest Friends! – USA
19 (tie) – End of the Cornfield – USA
19 (tie) – Don’t Mind: Cruxmont – Germany
20 – Fire Pockets – USA
21 – The White Vault – Germany
22 – Planet Arcana – Canada
23 – Sword of Symphonies – Canada
24 – Dice Tower Theatre – USA
25 – Better Men Elsewhere – USA
26 – Curious Matter Anthology – USA
27 (tie) – Subsister: A Real Podcast – USA
27 (tie) – Small Victories – USA
28 (tie) – Sidequesting – USA
28 (tie) – Middle West – USA
29 – Once Upon a Wasteland – USA
30 – The Apocrypha Chronicles – Canada

Thank you to each and every project who submitted to an Audio Fiction World Cup festival this year. Thank you also to the Festivals and Festival Directors, none of this is possible without your dedication to these artforms.

See you in 2024!

2023 Audio Fiction World Cup Festivals